Passing notes in class
ME- Hey Anthony
ANTHONY- what's up?
ME- I have something to tell you
ANTHONY- And what's that?
ME- I think I really like you,lol
ANTHONY- Why are you lol? Lol
ME- 'Cause I thought you would think its weird
ANTHONY- Its not, cause I have something to tell you
ME- And what's that?
ANTHONY- I think I really like you too❤
ME- Well this could be the start of something new
ANTHONY- Maybe something beautiful

Well this was not real, I wish it was cause I really like this boy but his name is not Anthony. And our real conversation in class went like this...

ME- Hey Anthony
ANTHONY- Whats up?
ME- I have something to tell you
ANTHONY- And what's that?
ME- Well your shoe is untied, lol
ANTHONY- Your not loling, I'm sitting behind you and your so not laughing lol
ME- True I just thought it was funny
ANTHONY- Well thanks
ME- Yeah no problem

I hate freaking daydreaming.

I woke up and stood in front of the mirror and looked at my body. I use to criticize everything wrong with me. Like •I have bad acne •I have have a big nose but right now looking in the mirror I'm saying to myself. "if someone says I have big feet I'm going to say I love my BIG ASS feet." just the way I love my nose, my acne, my eyes, my smile, my weight, everything about me I just love! Those ads of stars being airbrushed is so uncool! It makes teenage girls insecure of them selfs and make us think that the way they look in the magazine is how we are suppose to look. NO! The media is not the judge of us. I'm not over weight but some women are scared to revel there weight but I'll say it proudly, I WEIGH 130! And I love my big ass, well ASS!!
Right now he's probably kissing 
that bleached-blond tramp
In the same spot he tried with me,
Right now, he's probably driving
Her home and meeting her parents
'Cause they are really in love

...well the last part didn't make sense. But my ex-boyfriend (we didn't last long) has a new girlfriend, and it took me a year to realize I made a mistake calling it off. Yeah I regret it but hey what can I do. When I really think about it, I have dreams, (But that's another story for another day).  It made me sad, I think, I'm not really sure. That's another reason why I started this blog cause I needed some answers that my "friends" can't really answers. So now I' considered a crazy ex-girlfriend because we still text sometimes. It's not my fault he won't let me forget or the fact that he takes her to the same spot he took me. He is so complicated.
Hmmm interesting. Want vs. Needs is tough. I've been single for two years without so much as a kiss. I feel like I need to be with someone right now because all of my friends are with someone right now. CRAZY! I know I know. But I'm a teenager, like what do you expect. We have raging hormones and right now mine are kind of out of control. I think about the last time I've had a BF. was it a mistake that I broke up with him so quickly. It was only two weeks. But I was unhappy. Or maybe I was picturing my perfect guy before I started this whole dating scandal. But he wanted things that I wasn't ready for. I needed to have time away from him. Turn out time is two yer and him with more girlfriends than I can count on one hand. Why did things between us have to end because I couldnt give him things he wanted. (notice the things are in italics?) maybe you know what things he wanted. But he was only my second BF and no way was I giving him those THINGS! Boys your out of your mind! We were so over before you could sing Taylor Swift's Picture to Burn.
Guess he's just another picture to burn (okay that was corny I know)
This is my first post, so I really just want you to know why a sixteen year old is starting a blog about teenage hormones. Yes sixteen but its no big deal. Anyways let me role out the red carpet, it all started one day when I wondered why I was dreaming about boys from my school or having these feelings growing inside of me about people I've known for years! Crazy right. It's the weirdest things. Maybe I have some hope that someone reads this and tells me I'm not crazy. Or that someone can relate to me. Or maybe I just don't want to be writing for nothing and want someone to HEAR me out!! That's what most teens want right? Attention? Answers? I'm not going to deny the attention part but the answers I'm definatly looking for. Where's a wisp when you need one??