Passing notes in class
ME- Hey Anthony
ANTHONY- what's up?
ME- I have something to tell you
ANTHONY- And what's that?
ME- I think I really like you,lol
ANTHONY- Why are you lol? Lol
ME- 'Cause I thought you would think its weird
ANTHONY- Its not, cause I have something to tell you
ME- And what's that?
ANTHONY- I think I really like you too❤
ME- Well this could be the start of something new
ANTHONY- Maybe something beautiful

Well this was not real, I wish it was cause I really like this boy but his name is not Anthony. And our real conversation in class went like this...

ME- Hey Anthony
ANTHONY- Whats up?
ME- I have something to tell you
ANTHONY- And what's that?
ME- Well your shoe is untied, lol
ANTHONY- Your not loling, I'm sitting behind you and your so not laughing lol
ME- True I just thought it was funny
ANTHONY- Well thanks
ME- Yeah no problem

I hate freaking daydreaming.

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