I woke up and stood in front of the mirror and looked at my body. I use to criticize everything wrong with me. Like •I have bad acne •I have have a big nose but right now looking in the mirror I'm saying to myself. "if someone says I have big feet I'm going to say I love my BIG ASS feet." just the way I love my nose, my acne, my eyes, my smile, my weight, everything about me I just love! Those ads of stars being airbrushed is so uncool! It makes teenage girls insecure of them selfs and make us think that the way they look in the magazine is how we are suppose to look. NO! The media is not the judge of us. I'm not over weight but some women are scared to revel there weight but I'll say it proudly, I WEIGH 130! And I love my big ass, well ASS!!

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