Right now he's probably kissing 
that bleached-blond tramp
In the same spot he tried with me,
Right now, he's probably driving
Her home and meeting her parents
'Cause they are really in love

...well the last part didn't make sense. But my ex-boyfriend (we didn't last long) has a new girlfriend, and it took me a year to realize I made a mistake calling it off. Yeah I regret it but hey what can I do. When I really think about it, I have dreams, (But that's another story for another day).  It made me sad, I think, I'm not really sure. That's another reason why I started this blog cause I needed some answers that my "friends" can't really answers. So now I' considered a crazy ex-girlfriend because we still text sometimes. It's not my fault he won't let me forget or the fact that he takes her to the same spot he took me. He is so complicated.

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