Today. Was. The. Day. I. Was. Going. To. Get. My. Pretzel. I asked my sister if she can get me a preztel for my birthday. So today since she was off she picked me up from school and went to get me a preztel from the mall. I love pretzels. So I thought I was going to have the vast time ever. Turns out I'm just her little sister instead of being one of her friends. She was having issues with her fiancé and his baby mama. And was on the phone the whole time. It was like I wasn't even there. I miss the way we talk and I'm afraid that once she gets married she's just going to grow even more distant from me. Why can't things just go my way. Just once. I tried talking to her about my boy drama and she wouldn't even listen. That's why I'm posting two post tonight. See you on the next post.

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