Today was my birthday. Well it still is but whatever. I went to school expecting attention.. Well I did get the attention and I loved it. But it was still a bad day. I got happy birthdays from from everyone, even people I didn't know. It was entertaining.. For a while. By the time I got to my last block (class) I was a mess, one of my four ex boyfriends text me some pretty awful things and I realized I despise him for ruining my birthday. Another part of my day was when my sandal got stepped on and broke by this over sized ape. (That may be mean but I'm getting tired of them[another story for another day]) do now by this time I'm walking around with one shoe, my box of various presents that was given to me by my friends, and on top of all of that, I had a test to do on the computer but someone thought it was funny if the turned it off. So thank you to all of those who go to my school and made my birthday a disaster. Happy Freaking Birthday to ME!

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